Why you need a good copywriter for e-commerce

A lot of smaller companies might wonder why they need to hire a copywriter when they could just ask their employee that graduated with a First in English Literature and Creative Writing. There is a distinct difference between a copywriter and a writer for your business. A good writer will pull people in, impress them with fancy words, make them think. A good copywriter will convince people that they need you in their lives even when they don’t.

A copywriter can help with brand awareness and reputation

A good copywriter will follow your brand guidelines and use the correct tone of voice, so you can become easily recognisable and generate brand reputation. By having consistent content and a similar tone of voice on all platforms (from social & email to your website), your brand gains more and more reputation, which can lead to brand loyalty.

A copywriter can bring potential customers to your website

A good copywriter knows how to write text in simple terms that do not alienate your visitors. By doing this, they will naturally use keywords that the potential customers use when googling their desired product. Most will likely Google “blue watch with leather strap” rather than “a watch that mimics the midnight sky with a smooth strap”. The example exaggerates the point, but a copywriter will know their goals. A good writer will aim to (rightfully) put their degree to good use and write in the style of their most admired authors. Great for both reading and self-esteem, not so for pulling in customers.

A copywriter can increase your sales

Most things in life are about making money or making a profit. And that’s why you need to hire a copywriter - good text can entice your site visitors to buy your product and eventually spread the word or come back for more.


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